Sunday September 8, 2013
4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. – Registration
6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. – Dinner
7:00 p.m. – 7:10 p.m. – Local Welcome: Bonnie Tweed, Breezy Point
7:15 p.m. – 8:30 p. Cutural Sensitivity for the Accidentally Insensitive – Shannan Paul.
Miss Shannan’s discussion on “Cultural Sensitivity for the Accidentally Insensitive” uses personal anecdotes and real world situations to teach you how to not “be that person” who walks blindly into an awkward situation. Miss Shannan can keep you smiling and keep people of other cultures smiling along with you. Miss Shannan loves to laugh and to share this love with her audiences. Her storytelling and infectious smile are sure to crack up even the most stone-faced curmudgeon. She started her professional career working for Fortune 100 companies including Wells Fargo Bank and Bank of America. Since her cubicle days, Miss Shannan has moved on to become a radio show host, actress, certified fitness instructor and a proud former player of the Women’s Professional Football League.
8:30 a.m. – 9:15a.m. – Department of Human Services – Assistant Commissioner Erin Sullivan Sutton.
We are proud to welcome Assistant Commissioner Erin Sullivan Sutton to open our conference. Ms. Sutton will be addressing the current state of the Department of Human Services, what is changing, and where the department hopes to go in the coming years. She has bachelor's degrees in social work and psychology from the College of Saint Teresa in Winona, Minn., and a law degree from William Mitchell College of Law in St. Paul.
9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. – Keynote: Rachel’s Challenge
Rachel's Challenge is a series of student empowering programs and strategies that equip adults to combat bullying and allay feelings of isolation and despair by creating a culture of kindness and compassion. The programs are based on the writings and life of 17 year-old Rachel Scott who was the first student killed at Columbine High School in 1999. Rachel left a legacy of reaching out to those who were different, who were picked on by others, or who were new at her school. Shortly before her death she wrote, "I have this theory that if one person can go out of their way to show compassion, then it will start a chain reaction of the same. People will never know how far a little kindness can go." Rachel's Challenge was started by Rachel's dad and stepmom, Darrell and Sandy Scott when they realized that the writings and drawings Rachel left not only had an impact on her friends and classmates, but also resonated with students around the world. Although Rachel was a typical teenager who even wrote about her "ups and downs," she had a passion and conviction that she would someday change the world. The Scott family knew her story and passion had to be told to inspire others to make their world a better place.
11:15 a.m. – 12:00 noon: Association Business Meetings.
Child Support (MCSES); Clerical (MACS); Financial (MAFAS); Social Services (AMSSS)
1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. – Breakout Workshops:
Security Awareness 101 – Stefan V. Salmonson.
Topics include identifying and reducing security risks, reaction during duress, evidence gathering/documentation, effective signage, interagency reporting, the ABC’s of security, three (3) layers of security, robbery survival, response to angry, shouting, and armed co-workers/clients, explosive recognition, security equipment (cameras, Emergency Response Procedures (ERP), and policy/protocol. This presentation will give supervisors the tools to improve office and off-site employee/client safety. Your presenter, Stefan V. Salmonson, President, PROtective Services, Inc. is a licensed deputy sheriff/tactical trainer, licensed private detective, licensed protective agent, certified personal protection specialist (body guard), international security consultant, experienced tactical specialist, contract government investigator (with security clearance), airline transport pilot and professional speaker.
Ethics – Michelle Gricus.
Why do so many licensing boards require ethics training? Why do so many ethics training sessions result in sleepy participants? Examining ethics, ethical principles, and dilemmas can be interesting and thought provoking. It is also a daily necessity for everyone providing supervision in the Human Services world. Michelle Gricus, MSW, LICSW, is the Training and Employee Development Coordinator for Mental Health Resources in St. Paul. She also teaches as an adjunct in the School of Social Work at UST/SCU. She received her BSW at the College of St. Benedict and her MSW at the University of Houston, Texas.
MNsure - Health Insurance Exchange (HIX)– Bonnie Martin.
Starting in October 2013, MNsure will be the single best, uniquely Minnesotan place to find health insurance. The State of Minnesota is currently building a website where clients will have instant, easy access to coverage options. In addition, the State is collaborating with community partners and insurance agents/brokers to create a customer service network that will provide one-to-one assistance. This session will give supervisors valuable information to share with their staff about the changing health insurance world in order to assist clients in meeting their needs. Bonnie Martin will give us an update on where MNsure is at. Bonnie is a Project Communicator at the State of Minnesota.
2:45 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. - Breakout Workshops:
The First Line of Defense – Stefan V. Salmonson.
Employees, stationed at the front desk, are usually the first to “see” trouble coming. They should be a part of your security team, trained to be aware and empowered to take action. How will they react to a violent confrontation? To whom should they report their concern? How should they respond? What security equipment should they control? Is your staff prepared to answer these questions? Stefan V. Salmonson provides executive and personal protection services, high-risk employment termination support services, discrete investigations, security presentations, training, keynote presentations, security assessments, consulting and risk management recommendations for several hundreds of clients. Stefan writes security related articles for publications and is frequently interviewed by journalists regarding security concerns and initiatives for over 30 years in private and academic non-profits.
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)– Karen Ebert, MCIT.
Like employers in every state, Minnesota employers must follow the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), which allows eligible employees to take unpaid leave for certain reasons. Once an employee’s FMLA leave is over, the employee has the right to be reinstated to his or her position. Minnesota laws also give employees additional leave rights. Employees are entitled to the protections of all applicable laws; if more than one law applies, the employee may use the most beneficial provisions. Though many agencies have Human Resource staff to assist supervisors with these leaves, this session will give supervisors the basic knowledge they need in this area. Karen Clayton Ebert works at MCIT as the Counsel for Program Management.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services – Diane Leonard and Anne Janckila.
This workshop is targeted to supervisors within the county government who are interested in learning what our agency, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services, can do for them and their customers/clients who are deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf blind. We will explain different grants that provide for persons with hearing loss and some with vision loss and hearing loss with our programs. What type of accommodation do the service providers provide to help with the communication effectively? Lastly, we will cover different types of interpreting services. Diane Leonard joined Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services - Central, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Division under Minnesota Department of Human Services as a program consultant in August of 1998. She provides direct client services, technical assistance and intervention, leadership with agencies, evaluation and consultation to ensure accessibility of human services to Deaf, Deaf Blind, and Hard of Hearing consumers residing within the boundaries of the East/West Central regional area which covers 22 counties of Central Minnesota. Prior to this, Diane worked at Fairview-University Medical Center in Minneapolis, MN Chemical Dependency Program for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Individuals, as a prevention education specialist. She was also working with MELD, national parenting organization in Minneapolis before joining the CD program. Diane is a graduate of Gallaudet University with a degree in Social Work. Anne Janckilla is originally from Virginia, Minnesota. She graduated from the College of St. Catherine in St. Paul with a BA in American Sign Language Interpreting. After graduating, she worked full-time as an educational interpreter in northern Minnesota. She then moved to Orlando, Florida and worked in a community/freelance setting for two years. She has experience in educational (K-12 and post-secondary), medical, theatrical/performing arts platform, and community-based interpreting. Since moving back to Minnesota, she has been working as a staff interpreter at Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services in St. Cloud as well as doing part-time interpreting with the Video Relay Service.
8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. – Breakout Workshops:
DHS is implementing major system changes that aim to improve the dignity, health and independence of the people it serves through cost-effective, consistent long-term services and supports. One component of this commitment to meaningful change is MnCHOICES, an automated, comprehensive and person-centered assessment and support planning application. This workshop will look at where MnCHOICES is now, what are the future steps and who is a part of the project. This workshop is designed for supervisors who just want to know what Mn Choices is all about, as well as for those with implementation questions.
The Language of Lies– Marcus Bruning.
In the “Language of Lies”, Marcus Bruning helps us explore human behavior, common deceptive nonverbal behaviors associated with telling a lie and how to detect the truth in our clients. These tools will prove invaluable for all supervisors. These tools will prove invaluable for all supervisors. Marcus Bruning is a twenty-four year police veteran who teaches special investigation courses around the nation. Marcus has a Master’s in Education Degree from the University of Minnesota and wrote his Thesis on Nonverbal Cues to Deception. This program explores techniques in detecting deception in our professional communications and how to conduct an effective interview. Marcus is a dynamic speaker who engages his audience with humor and examples. This course will bring what you already know to the forefront and enhance your ability to control a conversation.
Coaching for Performance (1 of 2) – Everett Niska.
Being a supervisor in the human services field is difficult enough without having to deal with employee disciplinary/corrective issues. In this session you will learn how to establish your expectations, document performance behavior problems and learn how to navigate the sometimes difficult public progressive discipline path to encourage performance improvement. You will also learn how to conduct a disciplinary meeting and how to document coaching efforts and disciplinary action. Everett received degrees in Psychology and Speech Communication with a Management minor from St. Cloud State. Human Resources jobs in college helped him land his first job as the Director of Human Resources for a large multi-campus nursing home company. After 5 years there, St. Louis County hired him as a Personnel Officer to assist with their two nursing homes. More than 18 years later, he’s still with St. Louis County, now the Senior Human Resources Advisor providing his services for the County’s Public Health and Human Services Department.
10:15 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. – Breakout Workshops:
Fiscal – DHS Fiscal Update – DHS staff.
This session will provide current information on significant legislative changes.
How Demographics Changes Will Alter Minnesota’s Social Services Landscape – Andi Egbert, State Demographic Center.
Andi (Andrea) Egbert is a Research Analyst Specialist at the MN State Demographic Center, within the state Department of Administration. In this role, Andi analyzes, interprets and distributes data from the U.S. Census Bureau, state departments and other sources. Along with the State Demographer, she offers research assistance to all levels of government, the media, organizations and residents. By communicating key demographic and economic trends, the State Demographic Center helps groups make data-informed decisions for the benefit of the state. This workshop will assist county supervisors in making future program decisions based on demographic information. She presents regularly across Minnesota on topics such as aging, diversity, immigration, education, poverty and the workforce. Previously Andi worked on the Minnesota Compass statewide indicators project at Wilder Research and prepared the annual Minnesota KIDS COUNT data book while at the Children’s Defense Fund Minnesota. Earlier in her career, Andi also served also as a case manager for families, a literacy instructor, and a writer and editor for several publications. Andi holds a master’s degree in public policy from the Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota, with a concentration in social policy and vulnerable populations. She has completed additional coursework in demographic methods. She also earned a B.A. in English from Valparaiso University in Indiana. She lives in Minneapolis with her husband, daughter and pug.
Coaching for Performance (2 of 2) – Everett Niska.
Being a supervisor in the human services field is difficult enough without having to deal with employee disciplinary/corrective issues. In this session you will learn how to establish your expectations, document performance behavior problems and learn how to navigate the sometimes difficult public progressive discipline path to encourage performance improvement. You will also learn how to conduct a disciplinary meeting and how to document coaching efforts and disciplinary action. Everett received degrees in Psychology and Speech Communication with a Management minor from St. Cloud State. Human Resources jobs in college helped him land his first job as the Director of Human Resources for a large multi-campus nursing home company. After 5 years there, St. Louis County hired him as a Personnel Officer to assist with their two nursing homes. More than 18 years later, he’s still with St. Louis County, now the Senior Human Resources Advisor providing his services for the County’s Public Health and Human Services Department.
1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. – Breakout Workshops:
Deepening our Understanding: Working with LGBT People – Rebecca Waggoner, OutFront Minnesota.
This highly interactive presentation is designed to provide participants with a general understanding of common language used to describe LGBT communities; impacts of violence and common barriers to service often faced by LGBT crime victims; and finally, how to create safety and support for all community members. A must see for supervisors both from a clinical aspect, a human aspect, and a supervisory aspect. Rebecca Waggoner has worked extensively with anti-violence focused community based programs for over 14 years. With her expertise in sexual assault/domestic violence, Waggoner has worked at every level of program development/management. She continues to work to build effective coalitions of service providers, systems professionals and program consumers through the development and implementation of “best practices” training and service provision strategies. Currently, Waggoner is the Anti-Violence Program Director at OutFront Minnesota. She is on the Board of Directors for the Minnesota Coalition against Sexual Assault and is on the Governance Committee for the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs.
The Seven Principles of the Modern Meeting – Josh Dye, Housing Link.
This session teaches the seven principles of The Modern Meeting as revealed by author Al Pittampalli in his book, Read This Before Our Next Meeting. Attendees will learn how to establish an effective meeting culture that leads to greater productivity, committed action plans, and efficiency. Supervisors are continually pressed to find ways to accomplish more with less staff. The Seven Principles of the Modern Meeting will show them how. If you are tired of having meetings that just plan the next one, while accomplishing little else, this session is for you. Josh Dye has a Bachelor’s Degree in Housing from the University of Minnesota and a Master’s Degree in Public and Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University. He has worked at the Minnesota Multi-Housing Association, National Association of the Remodeling Industry – MN Chapter, and currently serves as the Marketing & Outreach Coordinator for HousingLink, a Minneapolis-based nonprofit. While working for the MN Multi-Housing Association he helped double its membership in Greater MN in less than 18 months, and launched the organization’s education programming statewide. At the National Association of the Remodeling Industry – MN Chapter, Josh helped set association records in member recruitment, event attendance, and awards program participation. During his tenure at HousingLink the organization reached all-time highs in website traffic and individual donations. He also spearheaded the recent launch of HousingLink’s first earned income ventures Twin Cities Rental Revue and Housing Hub.
Lean Continuous Improvement – Purpose, Process and People – Mary Jo Caldwell, State Enterprise Lean Program
This workshop will provide an overview of Lean continuous improvement tools and philosophy. It will highlight the basics and discuss how Minnesota state government has and is using these tools to improve performance and quality, reduce costs, and improve the morale of its employees. The perfect workshop for all supervisors wanting to make their unit more efficient! Your directors, administrators, and board members will think you are so ingenious!
2:45 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. – Breakout Workshops:
Business Process Improvement – Mary Jo Caldwell, State Enterprise Lean Program
The Fundamentals of Lean/Continuous Improvement provides the environment and framework for making improvement possible. This session “Business Process Improvement” describes specific tools and strategies for improving how the work gets done. The workshop will cover various problem-solving tools; providing information on where and how to apply them to make meaningful improvement. The perfect workshop for all supervisors wanting to make their unit more efficient! Your directors, administrators, and board members will think you are so ingenious!
“Sales Skills for Supervisory Success”– Josh Dye, Housing Link.
Having a solid grasp of sales skills is essential for effective supervision. Staff persons often need to be sold and motivated on ideas, processes, and plans. Understanding the basics of effective sales (while not being ‘salesy’) can make your communication easier and produce better results. In this session attendees will learn: Unselling – How to effectively sell your ideas, plans, and procedures without coming across as salesy. Who’s Agenda? – Leading staff and co-workers to win-win outcomes. How to lead the conversation to get positive results and How to ask for what you want in the most effective way possible, without feeling awkward. Josh Dye has a Bachelor’s Degree in Housing from the University of Minnesota and a Master’s Degree in Public and Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University. He has worked at the Minnesota Multi-Housing Association, National Association of the Remodeling Industry – MN Chapter, and currently serves as the Marketing & Outreach Coordinator for HousingLink, a Minneapolis-based nonprofit. While working for the MN Multi-Housing Association he helped double its membership in Greater MN in less than 18 months, and launched the organization’s education programming statewide. At the National Association of the Remodeling Industry – MN Chapter, Josh helped set association records in member recruitment, event attendance, and awards program participation. During his tenure at HousingLink the organization reached all-time highs in website traffic and individual donations. He also spearheaded the recent launch of HousingLink’s first earned income ventures Twin Cities Rental Revue and Housing Hub.
“Management Culture: Innovative & Bold Strategies to Engage Employees”– Denise Moreland.
"Imagine a workplace where everyone is fully engaged, actively participates, and tells the truth... Employees trust their management and management trusts employees...Imagine everyone coming to work each day to do only and exactly what each loves to do, and all the work gets done because there is so much diversity in interest, skill and knowledge. Imagine it and make it true!" Shrinking budgets, high workloads, stressed employees, and increased focus on results have become the new normal. Too much complexity coupled with too little control call for a new vision of leadership. This workshop is for supervisors who are ready for a change, willing to look at their own beliefs, assumptions and behaviors, and open to transforming their roles as leaders. Participants will: Identify common cultural patterns that disengage employees and undermine organizational goals; Examine their own assumptions and behaviors about what it means to supervise people; Explore leadership strategies that are effective in today’s complex environments; Learn how to identify employee strengths, values and preferences and incorporate them into work assignments and expectations. Denise Moreland, author of Management Culture: Innovative & Bold Strategies to Engage Employees (Two Harbors Press, 2012), has worked in the public sector for 28 years, 20 of them as a supervisor and middle manager. She understands the pressures and has proven strategies for supervisors and employees to transform their work environments by redefining roles and relationships. Ms. Moreland has a BA in Psychology & Religion and an MA in Public Administration. She is also trained in the Co-Active Coaching model, and is a Human Systems Dynamics Institute (HSDI) Associate.
8:15 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.
“Politics 101: What We All Need to Know About American Politics Today (and how it will make you a better supervisor)” – David Schultz, Hamline University.
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The old politics is dead. Today’s politics and government in America are marked by gridlock, partisanship, ideology, and denial. How did all this happen? This class examines the transformation of American politics in the last generation with special emphasis upon how technology, the media, and changing patterns of citizen engagement and leadership and decreased use of evidence and facts have altered the way public policy and government programs are designed and delivered. Additional topics will look at changing public and partisan perceptions of government and public employees and the role that supervisors have in the new politics of the twenty-first century. David Schultz is a Hamline University Professor in the School of Business where since 1999 he has taught classes in government and professor ethics. He is also a professor in law at the University of Minnesota Law School where he teaches legal ethics. David has both a Ph.D. in political science and a law degree from the University of Minnesota. David is the author of over 24 books and 50 plus articles on various aspects of law, ethics, and public policy. Prior to teaching, Professor Schultz had worked as a local government administrator.” David’s most recent book is American Politics in the Age of Ignorance: Why Lawmakers Choose Believe Over Research.
10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. – Closing Keynote
Focus on Your Target. – Aaron Cross.
Focus On Your Target---- Aaron is a three-time Paralympian in the sport of archery. In Athens, Greece, 2004, Aaron and his teammates shot their way to the first-ever U.S. medal in the sport of archery at the Paralympic level. In 1991, the doctors told Aaron and his family, "The best thing you can do for him is get him a good color television and a good remote." Since that day, Aaron has dedicated his life to following his FOCUS and because of his unwavering belief in his FOCUS, Aaron has accomplished much more than a Paralympic medal — if that was not enough. Aaron adds to his life by skydiving, SCUBA diving, marathons, triathlons, duathlons, trap shooting, hunting and the one that stops everyone, he has even done training courses with the Elite U.S. Navy SEALs. Aaron has been featured in nationally syndicated magazines such as “Sport N Spokes”, “Paraplegic News”, “Target”, and “Spirit Magazine” along with being featured on local, regional and national print and electronic media such as ABC and NBC. Aaron takes his personal experiences and changes them into a story that has been said by countless people to make you laugh, cry, be amazed and want to just leave where you are right now and go after every dream you have. This key note speaker will inspire all the supervisors in the room to aim for the stars. The workshop embraces the social work code of ethics and demonstrates the art of motivation. Aaron Cross - Motivational Speaker and Life Skills Coach Extraordinaire. He has a BA in Mass Communication with an emphasis in Motivational Speaking from Augsburg College. Aaron was 15 years old when he careened into the back of a support vehicle at 38 miles per hour during a bike race; leaving Aaron a quadriplegic. As an avid athlete with dreams of Olympic glory, this event might have killed his Olympic spirit. However, Aaron refused to let his diagnosis stop him, Aaron went on to become a three-time member of the US Paralympic Archery team winning Team Bronze in the 2004 Athens Summer Paralympic Games.